Thursday, June 28, 2018

Stone Art Craft at Citatah, Bandung has penetrated overseas market

Handled sculptor Citatah area, Bandung, the stone can be transformed into a work of economic value and high art. Stone crafts are even able to penetratege foreign markets.

If you are looking for stone craft, Citatah area, West Bandung, is the right location to visit. Various works of stone art such as tiger statues, fish, turtles, human figures, and flower pots displayed at km 12, Cipatat highway.

Dozens of stone artworks are the work of local carvers. Unfortunately not many young people who want to continue this profession.

They prefer to work in factories rather than learn to be skilled artists in sculpture and engraving. Whereas the number of demant for every month, it's more expecting.

There are 3 types of stone used as the basic material of craft. Stone basault, andesit, and yogya paras. The stone is mostly obtained from the mountains Citatah. Stone entrepreneurs have their own challenges in market and storing their craft products. The absence of proper storage and sipaly, making the craft placed on the roadside. The result is vulnerable to damage and heat and rain.

It takes 2 to 6 days to make a small statue. While a large statue can take 1 month more. Remarkably Cipatata stone marketing has penetrated overseas market. Saudi Arabia, Korea and Malaysia became the export destination of this craft.

Good quality and low price are the advantages of these sculptures. The price varies. From 50 thousand to 50 million rupiahs.